We have all seen several organizations armed with IT and Security teams, best-of-breed solutions at perimeter and endpoint level, continue be penetrated and hit by a ransomware outbreak.  IT-professionals understand the productivity, revenue loss and disruption that a ransomware outbreak can cause, when it passes the perimeter and Endpoint Protection Platforms (Anti-Virus).

Let’s face facts:  Even the most well-protected organizations are victims of ransomware.  New ransomware strains can disable endpoint protection, AV, firewalls, and even backup solutions before encryption starts. What do you do if your perimeter and endpoint protection is breached? How do you protect your data storage, not just your endpoints?

You already have protection in place on your computers and endpoints, but what do you have to stop ongoing illegitimate encryption on file shares?

Click Here to See How RansomCare Can Protect Your Organization

How it works:
With a rapidly expanding attack surface to defend and multiple entry points
for malware into organizations today, RansomCare delivers a 24/7 automated
containment response to ransomware outbreaks with built-in reporting for
compliance regulations such as GDPR. It does not matter which user, or which
device triggered the attack. Nor does it matter if it is a known or unknown
ransomware attack, or if the attack started on an endpoint, a mobile phone, an
IOT device, via email, website drive-by-attack, instant messaging apps, USB key,
download, or were deployed by someone inside your organization.

View Our Cyber Security Services Here

When RansomCare detects a ransomware attack, an alert is raised instantly and
a response can be triggered to shutdown the endpoint under attack (Windows,
Mac and Linux) so encryption stops instantly. RansomCare also handles virtual
environments like Citrix servers/sessions, Terminal servers/sessions, Hyper-V,
VMware and the Cloud including Azure and Amazon AWS/EC2, SharePoint,
Google Drive and Microsoft 365. RansomCare disables and stops the device
encrypting your data including mobile devices.